How to Fight a Wrongful Traffic Ticket in New York

Facing a traffic ticket can be frustrating, particularly if you believe the charge to be unfounded. Jonathan Katz stands by his Reduced Points Guarantee*. He knows the courts and is familiar with local laws in the Hudson Valley—spanning Ulster, Orange, Dutchess, Greene, and Columbia Counties. Fighting a wrongful ticket is a procedural process that requires understanding the law, gathering appropriate evidence, and, often, skilled legal representation. Jonathan Katz, a traffic law expert, outlines a comprehensive approach to contesting traffic tickets.

A photo of a young female driver holding their forehead.

Step-by-Step Guide to Contesting a Ticket:

If you just received your ticket, don’t hesitate - call us today! Jonathan Katz’s team is here to support you throughout this process.

  • Document Everything: As soon as you receive a ticket, write down all the details of the incident, including weather conditions, traffic, and any circumstances you believe are relevant.
  • Gather Evidence: Collect any possible evidence such as dashcam videos, witness testimonies, or photographic evidence from the scene.
  • Understand the Charges: Be clear on what traffic law you are alleged to have violated, and research any legal exceptions or defenses that might apply.
  • Respond Promptly: Submit your plea of not guilty before the deadline on the ticket. This will set a court date for your hearing.

A photo of 2 police officers issuing a ticket to a driver.

How Jonathan Katz Helps:

He develops a tailored defense strategy for each and every client, which includes:

  • Evaluating the Evidence: Assessing the strength of the evidence against you and any evidence that supports your case.
  • Court Representation: Providing expert representation in traffic court, often leading to reduced or dismissed charges.
  • Negotiation: Negotiating with prosecutors to potentially reduce the severity of the charges.

Successfully contesting a wrongful traffic ticket in the Hudson Valley requires precision and legal acumen. It also helps to work with a local lawyer who is familiar with local laws and the courts. Jonathan Katz brings extensive experience and a personalized approach to each case, enhancing your chances of a favorable resolution.

Don’t let a wrongful traffic ticket go uncontested. 

Contact Jonathan Katz to discuss your case and explore your options for defense.

*Point Reduction or Money Back Guarantee applies to traffic tickets only and does not extend to misdemeanors and felonies.

Client Reviews
I was living a nightmare of being falsely accused in a judicial system that considers all fathers to be dead beat dads until proven innocent. Living out of state and facing the possibility of jail, I miraculously found Jon’s website and called his office. Within a week the tables were turned, the lies were exposed, and the harassment was stopped. If you need someone that will challenge the system, then you need Jonathan Katz. Greg Weaver
Jon’s integrity towards his clients is what makes him a standout attorney. He makes it a priority to know what's important to you. You’re not just a number. He is upfront with you right from the start. He will not string you along just for his financial benefit. He is only willing to settle the case if that's truly what you want. Anytime I called him I received a call back from him that day. Not someone else in the office. He is an attorney that has a passion for what's important to his clients. John Morrissey
Being a single mom, I had enough stress in my life. I had no idea how to go about protecting myself. My daughters were my priority. Jon walked me through the process. He turned a difficult time into a workable solution. Diane Chiriani
Jon thinks well, works to be clear and honest. He works to get to a strong argument. He seems to have a good working relationship with everybody at the courthouse. I get the feeling he has no trouble thinking like a judge. He is friendly and courteous. He doesn't overbill. He takes and returns calls promptly. His legal staff is friendly and competent. What's not to like? Rick S.
I liked that there was always transparency throughout my case. Genevieve H.